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Advanced Coffee Making
Course & Certification
This Course & Certification is geared towards the coffee professional or home barista looking to enhance and expand their current coffee knowledge. This course will equip you with the necessary tools and information to gain a deeper understanding of extraction and evenness. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to dial in your sensory awareness, and understand the implications behind what we’re tasting and how to taste it — all leading to you producing better coffee behind the bar or at home.
77 individual lessons and 26 in-depth video explanations will walk you through hard-to-grasp concepts and provide practical exercises to do on your own. Each chapter is followed by a short and challenging comprehension test. You’ll also gain a handy toolkit of calculators, spreadsheets, and posters for your own use. Successful completion of the challenging final assessment will result in a Barista Hustle Advanced Coffee Making Certification. To see the full course curriculum – Click here!
All of our courses and certifications are available through BH Unlimited as a monthly subscription or as a single course purchase, giving you access for life!
Price: USD 149,-
Status (Enrolled)
Introduction to ACM
Advanced Coffee Making

Course Modules & Lessons
ACM Prologue
The Extracted Mass
- ACM 1.0 – What’s in this Chapter?
- ACM 1.01 – What is the Extracted Mass?
- ACM 1.02 – How Much is Bitter?
- ACM 1.03 – How Much is Sour?
- ACM 1.04 – Acids Promoted by Fermentation and Roast
- ACM 1.05 – How Much is Sweet?
- ACM 1.06 – Why Calculate It?
- ACM 1.07 – Refractometry
- ACM 1.08 – Refractometer Construction
- ACM 1.09 – Recap and Glossary
- ACM 1.10 – Comprehension Test
- ACM 2.0 – What’s in this Chapter?
- ACM 2.01 – Sensory Impressions of Over- and Under-Extraction
- ACM 2.02 – Extraction is an Average Preview
- ACM 2.03 – The Evolution of the Brew Control Chart and 18–22% extraction
- ACM 2.04 – 22% Plus
- ACM 2.05 – 19% and Below: When to go Low
- ACM 2.06 – Coffee Algebra
- ACM 2.07 – Introducing the BH Tool Kit
- ACM 2.08 – Recap and Glossary
- ACM 2.09 – Comprehension Test
- ACM 3.0 – What’s in this Chapter?
- ACM 3.01 – Actual & Perceived Strength
- ACM 3.02 – Flavour & Flavour Overload
- ACM 3.03 – The Strength-Flavour Diagram
- ACM 3.04 – Targets for Filter & Drip: Where to Aim & When?
- ACM 3.05 – Down-Dosing & Up-Yielding and the TDS Tasting Protocol
- ACM 3.06 – The Making of the Common Coffee Control Chart: A Survey
- ACM 3.07 – The TDS Valley
- ACM 3.08 – Dilution and Bypass
- ACM 3.09 – Where does Your Bypass Water come From?
- ACM 3.10 – How Colloids Affect Strength Perception
- ACM 3.11 – Milk as a Bypass
- ACM 3.12 – Recap
- ACM 3.13 – Comprehension Test
- ACM 4.0 – What’s in this Chapter?
- ACM 4.01 – A Fixed TDS
- ACM 4.02 – Decreasing Extraction with a Fixed TDS
- ACM 4.03 – Hitting the Bullseye
- ACM 4.04 – Temperature
- ACM 4.05 – Erosion
- ACM 4.06 – A Local Maximum
- ACM 4.07 – Ineffective Voids
- ACM 4.08 – Espresso Strengths: Normale
- ACM 4.09 – Ristretto, Lungo and Café (Caffè) Crema
- ACM 4.10 – Single vs Double Baskets
- ACM 4.11 – The Shop Grinder for Espresso and Filter
- ACM 4.12 – Capsules and Bean-To-Cup Technology
- ACM 4.13 – Recap and Glossary
- ACM 4.14 – Comprehension Test
Brewed Coffee
Refraction Action
- ACM 6.0 – What’s in this Chapter?
- ACM 6.01 – The Barista Hustle Refractometry Protocols Preview
- ACM 6.02 – Cleaning & Calibration
- ACM 6.03 – Understanding the VST Coffee Tools app.
- ACM 6.04 – CO2 and H20 Content
- ACM 6.05 – How CO2 and H2O Settings Affect our Readings in the Coffee Tools App.
- ACM 6.06 – Your Extraction Yield Changes how Much Liquid is Retained
- ACM 6.07 – Recap and Glossary
- ACM 6.08 – Comprehension Test
ACM Real World Applications
- ACM 7.0 – What’s in the Chapter?
- ACM 7.01 – Roast Solubility
- ACM 7.02 – Equipment Testing
- ACM 7.03 – Moving Targets
- ACM 7.04 – Burr Changes Based on Volume
- ACM 7.05 – Record Keeping and Analysis
- ACM 7.06 – Scoring
- ACM 7.07 – Recap and Glossary
- ACM 7.08 – Comprehension Test
- ACM Glossary and Links
- ACM Final Assessment
- ACM – A Final Word
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What happens after I buy the course?
After purchase, you will gain a membership on this website granting you access to the course.
Is the course online?
Yes, the course is 100% online! All you need is a computer or mobile device and an internet connection. You don’t need to be in Australia to take the course.
How long does it take to complete the course?
The course will take maximum 30 hours if you include text, video explanations, assessments, and at-home experiments.
What do I get?
You get lifetime access to seven chapters, 26 in-depth videos, a downloadable “toolkit”, and a Barista Hustle Accredited Certificate upon completion of the course.
How hard is the course?
The course is challenging but far from impossible to study and comprehend. The videos dive into more difficult concepts and explain them further. The comprehensive tests at the end of each chapter will also help you to apply these concepts to everyday coffee making.
What if I have questions?
Email us at [email protected] and we’ll answer your questions as quickly as possible!
What is the certification process?
You have to complete each lesson and comprehension test, then pass the final assessment (85% or higher) to achieve certification. Proof of certification will be located on your learner profile on the BH site. You’ll be able to access your certificate and will be able to share it with prospective employers. Your certificate is also printable and keeps its unique security ID.
Can I share the course with my friends?
Each user will have to pay for their own access to the course. We reserve the right to limit the number of IP addresses that access the course for each account and revoke access.
Is there live tutoring or webinars available?
In our efforts to make this course affordable and accessible to all Baristas, we’ve opted to make the content always accessible and non-interactive.
How long do I have access?
You pay once and have lifetime access.
Do I have to be a Barista Hustle subscriber to take the course?
Nope! Anyone can buy access to the course.
Can I retake the test if I don’t pass?
You have unlimited resits on the test.
Is it mobile-friendly?
What’s the refund policy?
If you’re not happy with the course, we’ll give you a full refund. Simple.
Will I learn how to make better cold brew?
We provide the tools and information needed to make better coffee all around, but there isn’t a chapter on cold brew, no.
Do I need an espresso machine, refractometer, or any other special equipment?
No. We’ve designed this course to help everyone that makes coffee, regardless of their equipment. Some experiments will be difficult to execute without a refractometer, but the vast majority of the course will still be relevant.
Is it suitable for beginner-level home or service baristas?
If you’ve never made a coffee before or don’t regularly drink coffee, this course is not for you. If you’re just starting your coffee journey, read through our blog of free resources first to become familiar with some of the basic concepts that lay the foundation for this course. If you are familiar with our blog, this is definitely for you!
Is it only offered in English?
For now, yes. We are working on making translations available in several languages later on down the line. Stay tuned!
The course is limited to one IP address. Can I sign in from multiple devices?
Yes! Multiple devices or locations are okay, but we’re mainly on the lookout for large scale abuse.