Tiny Coffee, Massive Bills

Café minúsculo, contas enormes

Cafe and roastery owners have been scrutinising their electricity bills more closely than ever over the past two years, in the face of an ongoing global energy crisis. Rocketing energy prices particularly affect cafe and restaurant owners, since they typically use...
The End of First Crack?

O fim do primeiro crack?

This is speculative, exploratory coffee science. Please don’t take it as gospel or even recommended. Disagreement is good and debate pushes us further to the boundaries of coffee. First crack holds almost a mythical status for coffee roasters: it’s the moment...
What We Taste When We Taste Acidity

O que provamos quando provamos a acidez

‘This coffee has a pronounced malic quality, that gives way to a tartaric acidity as it cools…’ If you’ve attended a Brewers’ Cup competition, you’ve probably heard some variation of this speech. You might even be familiar with the taste of some of the organic acids...
Iced Latte Art

Arte com café gelado

Cold foam has become pretty popular over the last few years, and yet, visually, cold foam lattes are firmly stuck in the 1980s. In other words: a tall, layered drink in a glass, topped with a spoonful of stiff foam like whipped cream. Wouldn’t it be great if you could...
Wet Weiss for Espresso

Weiss molhado para café expresso

About six months ago, Dan Shusett from Tricolate introduced us to the idea of Wet Weiss Distribution — that is, using a Weiss distribution tool to stir wet coffee grounds during brewing. It turns out that Wet Weiss Distribution is surprisingly effective — not just in...
Pass the Espresso on the Left Hand Side

Passe o Espresso pelo Lado Esquerdo

While cheering on Anthony Douglas at the World Barista Championship a few weeks ago, we noticed that many of the espresso shots did not split equally between the two spouts. Does that seem crazy to you? These were the national Barista Champions of their countries —...