
باستخدام حاسبة (Cowculator)

It’s time, people. For the second instalment of our series on milk, we give you “The Cowculator”. The Cowculator figures out the precise breakdown of coffee, fat, protein and sugar in your milky drinks. You can use it for both drip/filter and espresso based coffees,...
The Cowculator – Part 2

The Cowculator – Part 2

This week’s Hustle featured the revelation of The Cowculator, a tool to help you understand the exact amounts of each component of your milk drinks. Get your beverage moo-thematics on for yourself in our tools section here. In addition, some exciting news to share:...
The Cowculator – Part 1

The Cowculator – Part 1

Just like coffee, milk is an extremely complicated and diverse beast. No two milks are alike. If you make decisions about the milk used at a cafe or even in your kitchen at home, it really pays to know what’s going on. Let’s dive straight in. Milk is...
Does Latte Art Make Coffee Taste Worse?

Does Latte Art Make Coffee Taste Worse?

What if pouring a beautiful design on the top of a milky beverage actually reduced the quality of flavour? I know my answer, but I’d like you to find out for yourself. Latte Art has become sacrosanct in the vast majority of Specialty Coffee venues. It’s...