April 2018 — Small Batch & Raquel Lasso Colombia Geisha

Avril 2018 — Small Batch & Raquel Lasso Colombia Geisha

Ce mois-ci, nous nous dirigeons vers la Colombie, via Small Batch ici à Melbourne, en Australie. Ils ont une superbe Geisha (seulement notre deuxième Geisha dans Superlatifs !) produite par Raquel Lasso, une leader pionnière au sein de sa communauté. Ce café est tout en corps sirupeux,...
August Survey Results 2017

Résultats de l'enquête d'août 2017

In August we posted a survey about the Barista Hustle Facebook group. Along with our community moderators, we were thinking how to be more active and intentional about fostering a community environment, one which every single human feels safe and comfortable...
Barista Hustle Community Guidelines

Directives de la communauté Barista Hustle

Picture credit: https://xkcd.com/386/ Welcome to the Barista Hustle Online Universe! We’re a community made up of the private Barista Hustle Facebook Group page (but anyone can join!), our public Barista Hustle Facebook page, Barista Hustle Community Forum, our...
The Great Distribution Tool Debate

Le grand débat sur les outils de distribution

Two months ago I was embroiled in a twitter battle for the following three tweets:   Note I didn’t say they don’t work. I just wanted (and still want) empirical evidence that they do. Please also note I’m not attacking any singular product; I was...