Latte Art – Course & Certification

دولار أمريكي $  99.00

Latte art has gone from an occasional novelty in third-wave coffee shops to a signature of modern coffee culture. It is no longer just the domain of specialty coffee; it has been widely adopted all around the world, practiced everywhere from the kitchens of home baristas to the shop floors of mass retail chains. At Barista Hustle we recognise that customers assume baristas have mastered this part of their craft — and that those expectations can feel intimidating. We also understand how difficult and time-consuming it can be to pass on to other baristas the skills required for this amazing art.


Latte art has gone from an occasional novelty in third-wave coffee shops to a signature of modern coffee culture. It is no longer just the domain of specialty coffee; it has been widely adopted all around the world, practiced everywhere from the kitchens of home baristas to the shop floors of mass retail chains. At Barista Hustle we recognise that customers assume baristas have mastered this part of their craft — and that those expectations can feel intimidating. We also understand how difficult and time-consuming it can be to pass on to other baristas the skills required for this amazing art.

But we also know how much fun and impressive latte art can be, once you’ve got the hang of it. That’s why we put together this complete training and certification platform to help you master this art form. This course takes you from dairy to cup — and teaches you everything in-between, from milk chemistry to brush-stroke technique.

ونود هنا أن نتقدم بالشكر إلى بطل فن اللاتيه الأسترالي لعام 2018،  شينساكو "شين" فوكاياما،  لدوره في برنامج باريستا هاسل للفنان المقيم. كما نتقدم بالشكر إلى مُربّي الماشية الحلوب في المملكة المتحدة، روبرت سيستر، على دعمه لنا في سعينا لوضع هذا الشكل الفني في متناول الجميع، حيث قام بتوجيهنا لسبل المضي قدمًا في مجال التربية المستدامة. وتهدف هذه الدورة أيضًا إلى التوعية بما ينطوي عليه هذا الشكل الفني الجميل سريع الزوال. حيث سيعزز هذا الوعي القدرة على الربط بين جميع أجزاء سلسلة الإنتاج - بدايةً من المزرعة وصولاً إلى المشروب.


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