Roast Development and Colour

Développement de torréfaction et couleur

A while back I posted Let’s talk about roasting. This was in reference to three sliding scales of roasting: colour, development, and last-minute behaviour. I’d like to take this information on a different spin, comparing just development and colour. Roasts...

10 questions et réponses avec Matt

In celebration of hitting 10k subscribers to the Barista Hustle, we did a little experiment and asked readers to submit questions, which we then answered live on Periscope on Friday for this week’s Hustle. If you missed the live session, we recorded the answers...

Mélanger ou ne pas mélanger

This post is an exploration of Blending: why businesses blend coffee, why I believe some roasters choose to blend, and why others don’t. I also suggest why blending has a bad rep within the Specialty Industry. For a very long time “coffee” was a...
Let’s Talk About Roasting

Parlons de torréfaction

This is a post about how to talk about coffee roasts. It isn’t a post about how to roast coffee (although there’s some nuggets in there). As I was typing up a post about extraction evenness in regards to roasting (which I promise I will get to soon), I realised...