Keep It Simple

Keep It Simple

Coffee brewers — both professional and enthusiast — love to make things complicated. Complex multi-step brew recipes and brewing devices with some unique feature have become standard. Fancy new features on espresso or brewing machines are demanded without any evidence...
DIY Extraction Tasting

DIY Extraction Tasting

The very first post on Barista Hustle was about understanding the taste of extraction. This week I’d like to share a simple experiment that will allow you to taste those differences in extractions side by side. All you’ll need is coffee, scales, a grinder and an...
Stop Renouncing Refractometers

Stop Renouncing Refractometers

It’s 2016 and there’s still a lot of misinformation and anti-intellectualism surrounding refractometers for coffee. Here’s a couple phrases I’ve read recently, and my rebuttals. Apologies for the rant, but we should be collectively well past this. “Higher extraction...
The Espresso Compass

The Espresso Compass

The Espresso Compass is a little more complicated than the Brewed Coffee Compass. Last year I wrote a series on Espresso, culminating in a video showing the relationship between extraction, brew ratio, and the coffee control chart. If you’re on top of that, you’ll get...
Please Don’t Polish When You Tamp

Please Don’t Polish When You Tamp

Baristas have come a long way in recent years to abolish many myths of coffee-making. One that remains fairly steadfast is the polish; the quick spin at the end of a tamp to make the surface of the coffee look smooth. I’ve spun a tamper in many a basket over my years...