Estimating the Environmental Cost

Estimating the Environmental Cost

All other things being equal, we’d expect high-quality speciality coffee to be more environmentally friendly than the average commercial coffee, because many factors that make coffee sustainable also promote high quality. We could find …

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Choosing a Green Green Coffee

Choosing a Green Green Coffee

It’s clear that the two main contributors to emissions from production result from fertiliser use on the farm and ⁩التخمير from wet processing at the mill. Yet the studies that we’ve discussed vary widely in their estimates, due partly to the different conditions in each country but also to differences in …

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The Ideal Temperature for French Press

درجة الحرارة المثالية للتخمير بالمكبس الفرنسي

بالنسبة لطرق صب المشروبات يدويًا مثل جهاز V60، لطالما كنا في باريستا هاسل من مؤيدي استخدام الماء شديد السخونة لتخمير القهوة. أي الماء الذي تم غليه للتو، أو تبلغ حرارته حوالي 98 درجة مئوية باستخدام غلاية من النوع الذي يمكن ضبط حرارته. إلا أننا، في دورتنا الجديدة ...

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Sequestering Carbon

Sequestering Carbon

Coffee grows natively under forest trees, and it is well adapted to growing under shade. ‘Agroforestry’ refers to a system of cultivation in which coffee is grown amidst forest trees. These may be native forest trees or they may be deliberately planted, whether for shade and firewood, to fix nitrogen in the soil …

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Burning Down The House

Burning Down The House

Establishing the coffee plantations in Brazil that made it the world’s biggest supplier of coffee came at a huge environmental cost. Huge swaths of tropical rainforest were felled and burned to clear the land for coffee seedlings (M Pendergrast, 2010). The fertile soil, enriched with humus …

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Espresso Crema Experiment

تجربة كريمة الإسبريسو

للعلم، فنحن نطلب من القراء في مجموعتنا على الفيسبوك اختيار أسئلة لنقوم بالإجابة عليها في معظم المشاركات على مدونتنا. وقد اخترنا السؤال التالي لهذا الأسبوع: ’ماذا سيحدث لو وضعت القهوة المطحونة في فرن عند درجة حرارة 70 مئوية لنشر غازات التحميص، ثم استخدمتها لصنع الإسبريسو؟‘

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Water Hardness

Water Hardness

Hardness is a measure of the amount of certain minerals in water. The amount and proportion of minerals in your brewing water can have a dramatic effect on the flavour of your coffee, as well as affect how likely your espresso machine is to get scaled up, so it’s worth trying to understand …

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Measuring the Carbon Footprint of Coffee Cultivation

Measuring the Carbon Footprint of Coffee Cultivation

At the farm, the major input, from the point of view of the carbon footprint, is the fertiliser. According to Killian et al.’s study in Costa Rica, it accounts for around 94% of the carbon footprint of this stage of coffee production. By contrast, fossil fuel …

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The Rao Spin

حركة راو الدورانية

The Rao Spin is a technique in which the barista swirls the filter cone during brewing, to make the خليط القهوة spin. It’s named for Scott Rao, who popularised — but did not invent — the technique.1 It’s thought to increase extraction, reduce channeling and make brews more consistent. But how does it have this effect?

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Cascara Banned in Europe

Cascara Banned in Europe

Cascara has been regularly hailed as the next big thing in coffee. Once a rare novelty in speciality coffee, in recent years everyone from Starbucks to Stumptown has jumped on the trend for cascara-infused drinks. In 2018, demand for cascara became so high that the price far outstripped that of coffee itself …

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App – Pressure & Flow

App – Pressure & Flow

This app simulates the pressure and flow inside an espresso machine while a shot is running. To view the effects of these changes in real time during a shot, click on ‘Graph’ and then ‘Start’, and the app will simulate an espresso being pulled, showing you how the pressure and flow change as the المقاومة

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Commitments to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Commitments to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We have engaged consultants and are devoting concerted time to examine all aspects of our business and to identify areas of improvement. This process of consultation will critically examine our hiring of freelancers and employees, our workplace …

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Bench-top Roller Mill?

Bench-top Roller Mill?

Industrial grinders, of the sort used to produce espresso pods or supermarket packs of pre-ground coffee, are more or less exclusively roller mills. The most sophisticated of these grinders can grind coffee without significantly heating the grounds, and in the process produce very narrow …

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A Few Minutes of Foam

A Few Minutes of Foam

If you leave a latte for a few minutes on the countertop, sometimes the foam starts to break up — but sometimes it doesn’t. Why? No matter how long you’ve been slinging shots, sometimes a latte will go bubbly after pouring. If you’ve ever had to remake a coffee because it was sat on the counter …

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Wheels of Steel

Wheels of Steel

The coffee tasted vibrant and clean, and the salesperson showed me how easy it was to wipe away the residue from inside the portafilter — no more scrubbing away with a Scotch-Brite at the end of every day. The steel was a big selling point: easy to clean, more environmentally friendly …

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Aroma and Aftertaste

Aroma and Aftertaste

Aftertaste, in coffee, refers to the tastes and aromas left in the mouth after swallowing. Compared to other drinks, coffee flavours hang around for a long time: the aftertaste of an espresso can last up to 15 minutes (RJ Clarke and OG Vitzthum, 2001). Depending on the coffee, this may or may not be a good thing.

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Espresso Headspace

Espresso Headspace

Received wisdom in coffee says that if you put a nickel, or a penny, on top of your القُرص after tamping, and lock the portafilter into the group and remove it again without brewing, you should just be able to see a slight impression in the القُرص from where the coin was pressed into the coffee.

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The Coffee Footprint Analyzer

The Coffee Footprint Analyzer

One of our aims in producing this course is to provide the information and tools you need to analyse your own carbon footprint. This will allow you to see which changes will have the biggest impact and help you determine which interventions will be most cost effective. At the core of this …

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What is a Life-Cycle Analysis?

What is a Life-Cycle Analysis?

A defining characteristic of an LCA is that it includes the impact of raw materials, production, use, and disposal, simultaneously. For example, a change of material could reduce the CO2 footprint from the manufacturing stage, but result in higher maintenance requirements or shorten the lifespan …

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A History of Greenwashing

A History of Greenwashing

I would like to start this course with a short story. A confession of sorts. Come with me, as I go to my local cafe. I have forgotten to bring my KeepCup again, but I see they use compostable takeaway cups, so I don’t feel so bad ordering my coffee. While I’m there, I pick up a box of beans …

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